Sunday Worship Service
October 20, 2024 at 9:30 A.M.

Welcome to worship with Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. There are three ways to stream worship with SVLC on Sunday morning from home:

  • YouTube: Click here to watch our worship service on YouTube Live. Be sure to subscribe to our channel so that you can easily access worship on any YouTube device (Smart TV's, tablets, etc.)
  • Facebook Live: Click here to like SVLC's Facebook page -- you'll find the worship service streaming on this page each Sunday morning.
  • Website: Click here to watch worship on our website.


Worship begins this Sunday morning at 9:30AM. Use the button below to find our weekly worship bulletin. Songs are included for at-home use toward the end of the file.

Go to to make a one-time donation or set up recurring giving.

Unless otherwise noted, all other music and text reprinted and broadcast live under permission of A-738780, CCLI #11037085 (print) and #21084219 (streaming).

Click Here to Connect to Worship Worship Bulletin
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Thanks for worshipping with SVLC!

Worshipping at Home
Creating a meaningful worship space away from SVLC

Many SVLC members continue to worship from home due to concerns around the COVID-19 pandemic or limited in-person capacity at church, but online worship also means that our community has grown beyond the geographic limits of San Diego County.

Whether you're accessing SVLC worship from home via tablet or Smart TV, and whether you're a lifelong SVLC member who lives around the corner or a newcomer from across the country, welcome to worship with SVLC. We're glad you're here.

You are invited to prepare the immediate space around you in a way that would be meaningful. Of course, it won't be the same as sitting among friends in-person, but nothing can stop the Holy Spirit from working in mysterious and wonderful ways.

Here are a few suggestions for setting your space:

  • Set out a bowl of fresh, cool water, as your own at-home baptismal font. Dip your fingers in the bowl and make the sign of the cross on your forehead as forgiveness is proclaimed at the start of worship.
  • Don't be afraid to create a beautiful space around you. Setting out a favorite icon, candle, or cross in the area where you'll worship can help set the space apart.
  • Power down your other devices — that is, the one you're not using to for worship — and silence your phone. If nothing else, consider the hour or so away from noisy notifications as a gift.
  • Email the church office ahead of time with prayers. The pastor will be sure to include these in the Prayers of the People spoken aloud after the Hymn of the Day.
  • Make the sign of the cross while communion is distributed at SVLC (in-person), speaking a prayer of thanksgiving for the ways God has nourished you through another week.
  • The assisting minister will speak a blessing after in-person distribution has concluded for those worshipping at home. Open your palms and lift your hands as you receive this blessing as bread for the journey ahead.
Can't do any of the above recommendations?

Don't worry, we're just glad to have you with us. Those are just suggestions.

God's love is big. At the end of the day we hope that you can find a time to hear about grace, whether you're worshipping with us in a busy bus station, in the quiet strangeness of a distant hotel room, or from the comfort of your own bed.

Thanks for being a part of our community!
