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Who's this Jesus?

Think back through all the various encounters we’ve had with Jesus since starting our bible study on the Gospel of Matthew earlier this summer. We’ve encountered Jesus as a refugee child born to unmarried parents, a descendent of Abraham, Rahab, and Ruth, a healer, a teacher, a preacher, a contentious thorn in the side of the powerful, and much much more.

Assignment: How has your idea of Jesus been changed throughout this study of Matthew? What have you discovered? What specific verses and stories of Matthew’s Gospel affected this change? Is there particular story or verse that has inspired, confused, or given complexity to Jesus for you?

Once you’ve pondered these questions, ask yourself a relatively simple question: Who’s this Jesus?

Next, try to find a piece of visual art — a photo, a portrait, a sculpture, or really anything — that captures who Jesus is in Chapters 1-11. There are no wrong answers here (see examples). No single piece of art, or photography will capture Jesus entirely, so look for something that captures an idea of what you’ve learned about Jesus. Come prepared to share a little about your selection, why you chose it, and if there were any particular verses that inspired it.

The easiest place to find images will be on the internet using either a simple Google search or an image site like Email or share your image with Pr. Marcus ahead of time (, or bring it to Bible Study with you on Wednesday.

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